v1.048 patch notes
November 30, 2017 — ForgeableSumFeatures & Gameplay
- Added 3 new units: the Spider Tank, Warhawk and Decimator.
- It is no longer required to type in a name to enter a game (if you don't type in a name, you will have an auto-generated name).
- Manta base damage increased by around 10%.
- Javelin health increased by around 10%.
- Bomber health increased by around 10%.
- Peregrine missile damage increased around 13%; machine gun damage increased around 20%.
- You can no longer see player name text through fog of war.
- Improved Battleship firing.
- Fixed black box showing on home page when adblocker was turned on.
- Fixed space bar press showing black screen in firefox.
- Fixed Gladiator disappearing when rocket feet ability used.
- The enter key should no longer close the end game window.
v1.047 patch notes
October 29, 2017 — ForgeableSumFeatures & Gameplay
- New unit: The Disruptor Cannon, unlocks at 60 kills (same number of kills as the Battleship) and is a long range super artillery unit. The Disruptor does more damage to targets further away. It also has the Heated Round ability which allows a single bullet to shoot through several targets. Its range is equivalent to the distance between team blue and team red command centers (map-dependent) and it cannot damage Command Centers.
- High performance mode now available by playing the game at stba.io/?high_performance=true. High performance mode will disable many performance-taxing cosmetic features, such as lights, flashes, burners, clouds, smoke, etc.
- Canvas rendering mode now shows unit shadows (access canvas rendering mode via stba.io/?rendering=canvas).
- Now if you destroy a unit not in camera, the +XP text will display above your unit.
- Redid the score screen to show player kills and removed unimportant stats.
- Ion Cannon now does 50% less damage to the Command Center.
- Demolisher base damage increased from 200 to 240; range increased from 600 to 700.
- Manta base damage increased from 110 to 120.
- You can now get your current FPS and average FPS by typing in "get fps" in the chat while in a game.
- A dialog box with performance tips now appears if your average FPS is below a certain threshold.
- Fixed buildings sometimes being invisible when you first join a game already in session.
- Should be easier to get losses now.
- Explosion sound should now play if the camera is following a long range bullet.
v1.045 patch notes
October 22, 2017 — ForgeableSumFeatures & Gameplay
- You can now record career stats and earn rank by playing with a free registered account.
- Added leaderboard so players can compete for the highest # of kills, player kills, MVP, etc.
- New map rotation: Eight Island, Dunescape, Sandy Straight, Enclave, Mountain Pass and Four Beaches.
- Healthbars are now team-colored (i.e. blue or red) to make it easier to distinguish friend from foe.
- Made significant performance improvements by not creating sprites for explosions and effects that happen outside the camera.
- Fixed the manta scale looking off.
- End game screen is not 30 seconds instead of 20, to give you time to read end game stats as well as player career stats.
- Increased font size of hero unit text as well as health bar length and position.
- Changed server max to 40 (instead of 50) for better performance.
- Hero kills no longer count as normal kills. Instead, the only count as PKs.
- When a team's supply is depleted, it now says the color of the team instead of the number.
v1.037 patch notes
October 14, 2017 — ForgeableSumFeatures & Gameplay
- The map rotation will now change more frequently and the home screen background screen will change to indicate a change of map rotation. In addition, you can see thumbnails of all maps by following the link at the bottom of the “Today’s Map Rotation” box.
- Peregrine machine gun bonus damage to aircraft 40 instead of 20.
- Scout sentry build time reduced to 5 sec. instead of 10.
- Scout sentry (Harpy ability) now hotkeyed to 2.
- Javelin Heated Round ability now on a 15 second cooldown instead of 30.
- Ion Cannon health reduced by 10%.
- Ion Cannon shockwave does 600 instead of 700 damage.
- Max game time now 900 seconds instead of 800 and players should receive a message 20 seconds before.
- Might have fixed black health bar bug.
- Fixed bug where you were getting double kills for killing a single unit.
- Fixed battleship guns twitching.
- Fixed Battleship sound not being loud enough on spawn.
- Fixed dead units getting healed.
- Camera now properly follows person who destroyed Command Center.
- The hovering droid will no longer be targeted by AI.
- End game graph now properly shows computer names instead of undefined.
Updates 10/15/17
- Servers now fill up in such a way that it will be easier to find full 10-person games.
- Server capacity set to 50 instead of 60.
- Hovering over icons while shooting no longer stops shooting.
- Made icons bigger.
- Fixed Harpy scout ability icon not appearing.
- Slight performance improvement.
- Fixed Oasis map not having water (not much of an oasis).
- Fixed Mountain Pass map having the wrong ground textures.
v1.035 patch notes
October 12, 2017 — ForgeableSumComing soon: new daily map rotations, account stats and ranking, clans and new units.
Features & Gameplay
- New Harpy ability: spawn scout sentries: "flying units which follow you into combat and rapidly fire explosive lasers at enemies." The Harpy can spawn 1 scout sentry per level. Example: A level 10 Harpy can spawn 10 scout sentries. Watch a video clip of scout sentries in action here.
- You can now taunt by pressing the "T" key. Your unit will play a little animation and sound (every unit has a unique sound, except the Roller which doesn't have one yet).
- Battleship damage increase per level is now 1.5% instead of 3%; base health reduced 10%; gun firing speed increases 5% per level instead of 10%.
- Silencer blast radius increased from 50 to 65 and Demolisher from 50 to 75 - these units will be much easier to aim.
- AI units already targeting a stealth unit when the unit goes stealth will no longer be targeting upon stealth activation.
- Demolisher health reduced by ~13%.
- Harpy base damage reduced by 10%.
- Manta base damage increased.
- Gladiator kill requirement is 20 instead of 10; Harpy is 20 instead of 15; Demolisher is 20 instead of 30 and Battleship is 60 instead of 50.
- Ion Cannon damage increased dramatically.
- Javelin health increased 15%.
- Hero on hero unit damage increased.
- The Command Center now heals for .5% every 4 seconds.
- The healing pad is now visible for both teams (instead of just your team).
- Gladiator machine gun bonus to air damage increased from 60 to 70; firing rate on primary weapon slowed down by ~25%.
- Now when the Command Center is destroyed, the camera goes to destroyed CC. After a few seconds, the camera goes to the player who destroyed the CC and a message appears with that players name.
- Teleport messages now play notification sound.
- The website is now 100% HTTPS. All servers now use wss (secure websockets) instead of ws which is compatible with HTTPS. Using wss may also result in fewer connection losses as wss data packets are less suspect by firewalls (that's just a theory of mine, it's not a known fact).
- Ground unit gun turning to pointer should feel less fidgety and should always turn instantly, regardless of how the unit is moving.
- Fixed Ion Cannon laser not firing in the right direction.
- Fixed incorrect bullet rotations.
- Fixed no sound playing when game volume set to max.
- Fixed DPS in unit tooltips showing half the actual value.
- Fixed air units sometimes moving slightly when you click something.
- Changed the appearance of the Ion Cannon blast.
- Being killed randomly from an enemy half-way across the map should no longer be possible.
- Fixed the Command Center being rebuilt after being destroyed.
- Made the chat notification sound louder.
- Fixed the end game screen graph showing numbers instead of the player names.
- Fixed bug which caused hotkey to stop working if your chat was left open before the load screen.
- Messages from the server should only stay up for 15 seconds instead of 20.
- Fixed Silencer getting XP twice.
- Game should no longer start prematurely.
v1.03 patch notes
October 8, 2017 — ForgeableSumFeatures & Gameplay
- Manta speed increases dramatically with level up (10% per level, not compounded) and initial speed increased; manta base damage reduced from 110 to 95 and health reduced by ~15%.
- Javelin health increased by ~25% and damage increased ~20%.
- Manta now turns instantly to the mouse pointer instead of tweening.
- Increased Harpy damage from 55 to 60 (new ability coming soon).
- Roller bullet speed increased from 700 to 1200 and base damage increased from 210 to 230.
- Silencer base damage increased back to 300 from 290 and health increased 20%.
- Battleship guns now turn instantly towards the pointer.
- Hero on hero damage cut in half to dramatically increase time to kill.
- Peregrine base missile damage reduced from 400 to 350.
- Players can now choose display names without registering.
- Auto-balance is now working properly.
- Default sort order is now by kill count on the end game screen.
- Users who were having the problem of a connection screen forever should no longer have the problem.
- Fixed logo + load bar not centered vertically on load screen.
- Min time for chat to disappear is now 15 sec.
- When a game exceeds the time limit, the server will tell you what that time limit was.
- Manta no longer points in the wrong direction sometimes.
- Fixed Manta size looking off.
- Changed manta description to "Highly maneuverable light fighter which gets increasingly faster as you level up."
- Fixed droids being easy to kill for free XP.
- If a player joins a game already in session, the end game screen stats should now be accurate.
- Game time limit reduced from 900 to 800.
- Supply counts now more accurate because they are controlled by the server instead of clients.
- Removed old text “Leveling up increases health, damage or firing rate” from advanced units tooltips.
v1.027 patch notes
October 6, 2017 — ForgeableSumFeatures & Gameplay
- Battleship cannon damage increased from 300 to 400; health increased ~ 17%, machine gun damage increased 60 to 70.
- If you kill an enemy hero unit, you gain XP based on the level of the enemy you killed with a min of 100 XP.
- Increased damage on Pulsar Cannons from 50 to 70; increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 1 min 30 sec.
- Silencer start damage reduced from 300 to 290.
- Pulsar cannon on the Gladiator is now a level 10 ability.
- Pulsar Cannons can no longer damage command centers
- Auto-balancing now occurs just before new game starts instead of to take into account players who leave when the end game screen first appears.
- System hotkey info added to the menu.
- Reduced the number of units spawning towards the end of the game, resulting in less lag.
- All remaining buildings and turrets now remain up after supply is depleted (nothing is automatically destroyed).
- Message "Hit [enter] to chat" now appears when the game starts.
- Command Center no longer has health regen.
- The Peregrine can no longer spin while grounded.
- Fixed Gladiator being able to access Pulsar Cannon at level 1.
- Fixed Gladiator not turning properly with Pulsar Cannons active.
- Fixed the scale of Mantas being sometimes off.
v1.025 patch notes
October 5, 2017 — ForgeableSumFeatures & Gameplay
- Added a new map called “Lava Beach” to the front of the rotation.
- The Peregrine now has the spin ability - "Spin to slightly increase velocity and reduce incoming damage by 30% for 1 second."
- Improved load times by not causing you to re-download maps you've already played on.
- Increased all hero unit health by 20%.
- Doubled health regeneration bonus for grounded aircraft.
- Bomber can now hit grounded aircraft.
- Command Center health increased by ~25%.
- Removed "Burning Divide" (volcanic map) from the maps rotation.
- Added in clouds.
- Manta base damage reduced from 120 to 110.
- Demolisher base damage increased from 175 to 200
- Added battleship and bunch of other more advanced units to the title screen background.
- There should now be less lag when the game resumes after "detecting problems with your connection."
- You now get a notification when someone joins the game.
- The Harpy no longer has the land ability.
- Change the home screen map to "Lava Beach."
- Fixed not being able to copy+paste the share game room link.
- Minimum time for chat text to disappear increase from 5 to 12 sec.
- Fixed volcano graphics which appeared slightly cropped.
- Reduced the amount of time it takes to cause the game to pause while the client is disconnected. This should result in fewer unexplained deaths.
- Updated all unit descriptions for accuracy.
- Time till next game begins reduced from 30 to 20 seconds.
- Toggle Ally/All chat hotkey is now TAB instead of CTRL.
- Corrected warning text for when you are under attacked by a stealth unit.
- Home screen units no longer sit idle and seek out units to attack.
v1.02 patch notes
October 3, 2017 — ForgeableSumFeatures & Gameplay
- Teams will auto-balance at the end of each match based on the # of kills for each player.
- You can now share the current game room you are in as a link, so you can play with friends. If the room is full by the time a friend joins, a notification will display.
- Added Strike Tactics theme song to home screen and a mute button.
- Bomber now has stealth ability.
- The respawn time will start at 5, increase by 1 sec for each death, and max out at 10 seconds.
- The Silencer firing rate is increased from 1 second to 1.2 sec.
- Set droid health way up so people can’t shoot them down for free XP.
- Stealth lasts 10 seconds instead of 15.
- You now get an error sound and message when you try to use ability while the cooldown is not up.
- People now join the server with the least players by default. This will not only result in better latency for everyone, but player distribution being equal across all servers.
- [Experimental] When the supply is depleted, only turrets are destroyed. The other buildings will stay up until destroyed. This allows people to hide behind buildings in the end game.
- Fixed player kills saying "undefined."
- Fixed buildings and units not spawning.
- Browser hotkeys (like CTRL-C) are no longer disabled.
- Fix units sometimes not firing while turning guns rapidly (happened especially on the Gladiator).
- Fixed Command Center bars and supply count sometimes hidden at the game start.
- The page should no longer have massive lag after going to another tab and coming back after extended periods of time.
- You should no longer get a message if you go to another tab while you are the game host. Instead, the host will automatically switch to another player.
v1.012 patch notes
October 2, 2017 — ForgeableSumFeatures & Gameplay
- Battleship now has a boost ability.
- Shockwave on Ion Cannon and Roller does significantly more damage.
- Silencer, Javelin and Roller now have the teleport ability.
- The Bomber and Harpy now have the land ability.
- Increased Merk health by 200 HP.
- CC health increased by 50%.
- Teleport ability cooldown is now 45 seconds.
- Fixed unit ability icons sometimes hiding beneath health bars.
- Changed how game state for connecting players is received, reducing lag for players already in a game.
- Fixed the home screen not getting passed the "connecting" message.
- Fixed units sometimes not firing (caused by the cusor hovering over alerts).