October 6, 2017 — ForgeableSum
Features & Gameplay
- Battleship cannon damage increased from 300 to 400; health increased ~ 17%, machine gun damage increased 60 to 70.
- If you kill an enemy hero unit, you gain XP based on the level of the enemy you killed with a min of 100 XP.
- Increased damage on Pulsar Cannons from 50 to 70; increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 1 min 30 sec.
- Silencer start damage reduced from 300 to 290.
- Pulsar cannon on the Gladiator is now a level 10 ability.
- Pulsar Cannons can no longer damage command centers
- Auto-balancing now occurs just before new game starts instead of to take into account players who leave when the end game screen first appears.
- System hotkey info added to the menu.
- Reduced the number of units spawning towards the end of the game, resulting in less lag.
- All remaining buildings and turrets now remain up after supply is depleted (nothing is automatically destroyed).
- Message "Hit [enter] to chat" now appears when the game starts.
- Command Center no longer has health regen.
- The Peregrine can no longer spin while grounded.
- Fixed Gladiator being able to access Pulsar Cannon at level 1.
- Fixed Gladiator not turning properly with Pulsar Cannons active.
- Fixed the scale of Mantas being sometimes off.