Which unit is right for you?
player units

Slow-moving tanky unit with tons of health. Fires explosive lasers.
- Health: 19000 hp
- Range: 600 pixles
- DPS: 836
- Speed: 200 pixles/sec.

Returns you to your command center.

Damages units in an area around you.

Slow-moving, glass-cannon artillery tank with extremely long range.
- Health: 8500 hp
- Range: 2000 pixles
- DPS: 480
- Speed: 200 pixles/sec.

Returns you to your command center.

Your next round deals 100% damage to

spider tank
High DPS/low health, fast-firing light tank which can fky through the air.
- Health: 8000 hp
- Range: 600 pixles
- DPS: 1200
- Speed: 200 pixles/sec.

Causes unit to fly through the air for a short period of time.

Medium hover tank with a stealth ability. Fires rounds which deal 70% damage to enemies they pass through and full damage to their target.
- Health: 12500 hp
- Range: 600 pixles
- DPS: 500
- Speed: 200 pixles/sec.

Returns you to your command center.

Go off radar, enemy AI cannot target you and you are much harder for players to see.

Heavy hover tank with maximum firepower. Best at taking down large groups of clumped units.
- Health: 17500 hp
- Range: 700 pixles
- DPS: 960
- Speed: 200 pixles/sec.

Returns you to your command center.

Highly maneuverable light fighter which gets increasingly faster as you level up.
- Health: 62500 hp
- Range: 600 pixles
- DPS: 867
- Speed: 200 pixles/sec.

Land to drastically increase health regeneration.

Stealth bomber, effective against clumped ground forces but vulnerable to air units.
- Health: 5500 hp
- Range: 600 pixles
- DPS: 2933
- Speed: 500 pixles/sec.

Land to drastically increase health regeneration.

Fly faster for a short period of time.

Go off radar, enemy AI cannot target you and you are much harder for players to see.

Light but fast air unit with a rapid-fire machine gun. Can hover in place (hold spacebar) and fire a laser cannon (right click).
- Health: 5800 hp
- Range: 600 pixles
- DPS: 1400
- Speed: 210 pixles/sec.

Hold space to hover in place for more accurate shooting.

Hit and run strike fighter and air superiority unit. Can spin to reduce incoming damage.
- Health: 4500 hp
- Range: 1000 pixles
- DPS: 1400
- Speed: 500 pixles/sec.

Land to drastically increase health regeneration.

Spin to slightly increase velocity and reduce incoming damage by 30% for 1 second.

Heavy gunship with a high rate of fire. Maneuverability not at the expense of DPS.
- Health: 9650 hp
- Range: 600 pixles
- DPS: 1100
- Speed: 220 pixles/sec.

Makes you invulnerable to all damage for a short period of time.

Heavy assault mech. Formidable against both ground and air units. Can fly across the map quickly with rocket feet.
- Health: 1200 hp
- Range: 750 pixles
- DPS: 1583
- Speed: 200 pixles/sec.

Causes unit to fly through the air for a hort period of time.

Secondary weapon, good for shooting down air units.

Does massive area-of-effect damage in a straight line.

Super air unit with maximum health and firepower.
- Health: 27500 hp
- Range: 900 pixles
- DPS: 4600
- Speed: 105 pixles/sec.

Fly faster for a short period of time.

ion cannon
Super air unit with a devastating area of effect laser beam.
- Health: 22500 hp
- Range: 1000 pixles
- DPS: 80
- Speed: 220 pixles/sec.

Damages units in an area around you.

disruptor cannon
Heavy artillery super unit. Does more damage to targets further away.
- Health: 9000 hp
- Range: 4000 pixles
- DPS: 2143
- Speed: 200 pixles/sec.

Your next round deals 100% damage to enemies passed through.

Super air unit with a charge up laser gun.
- Health: 15000 hp
- Range: 1600 pixles
- DPS: 800
- Speed: 105 pixles/sec.

Fly faster for a short period of time.